Saturday, July 12, 2008

The end of siding?

I keep hearing these commercials for a product for the exterior of your house that goes on like paint but lasts forever. There seems to be a couple of companies who do this and I am sure the list of companies will grow real fast.
It was only a short time ago that I kept hearing the commercial for one company about this new product and then a couple of months later I heard another commercial for the same new product by another company. Just like when vinyl siding first came out, I bet your going to see a huge number of contractors jump on board for this new thing. The problem with that back then was the fact that most of the contractors were just in it to make a quick buck. They were the low ball bidder, they had little experience and they robbed allot of buildings and homes of their historical or any architectural details.
I think the same thing may happen with this new product. Not so much that it will detract from details (since it goes on like paint) but that there will be a ton of guys who will be in it to make a quick buck.
From what I understand it goes on like paint and hardens to a "vinyl like" substance. I guess that's why it costs so much.... Your paying for a paint job and a vinyl job.
I think the concept is a good idea but we will have to see how it does over time. It may just be the end of vinyl siding.

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